Thursday 7 October 2010



Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________
School: _________________________
Classroom Teacher: ______________

The purpose of your observation is to give you a better perception of the classroom you may be working in. Be watchful of how the teacher and his/her assistant interacts with the children, and the environment.

Listed below are a few questions to help guide you in what to look for while you are there. Please complete the Observation Sheet and return to me when the observation is completed. Most of all, have fun! I look forward to hearing all about your experiences at the schools.

Number of children in classroom __________
Number of adults in classroom __________

1. Locate the classroom schedule (should be located somewhere in the classroom) and write it down.
2. Describe the classroom. How is it set up? That is, is it set up into centers, is it an open setting, neat or cluttered, use multicultural materials or pictures, etc.?
Is it a safe, warm, loving place to have children?
3. Follow the teacher/teacher assistant for 15 minutes and write down what she/he is doing.
4. Follow the child with special needs for 10 minutes and write down what she/he is doing.
5. Follow the teacher for 15 minutes and write down what she/he is doing. What is his/her role in the classroom?
6. How does the teacher interact with the children?
7. How does the teacher interact with his/her assistant?
8. What techniques does the classroom staff use to motivate children to do things?
9. What is done when the child misbehaves? What is their discipline policy?
10.What is your overall impression of the classroom and the classroom teacher?

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.