Thursday 14 October 2010

Culture: international quiz, Idioms

International quiz

French kissing
Spanish inquisition
Dutch uncle
Scot free
Russian salad
Greek to me
Scotch mist
Chinese water torture
Russian roulette
Venetian blind
go Dutch

1. If I may speak like a ________________ you are being an arrogant imbecile.
2. We always eat_________________ at Easter and Christmas.
3. She had always thought______________ was unhygienic until she met Guiseppe.
4. One day they will find out about Fred's affair with the boss' wife. He's playing _____________________ .
5. His privacy was protected by a _______________ on the window.
6. Her constant complaining was like _______________ for poor Fred.
7. He got off_______________ for speeding. The magistrate is his best friend.
8. His ______________ mind helped him to become a master politician.
9. You can't find your glasses. so what's on your nose ________________ ?
10. I came home late last night and got the ________________ from my parents.
11. I can't read my doctor's handwriting. It's just _____________________ .
12. The students decided to__________ because the restaurant was quite expensive.

1 comment:

  1. answers

    1. dutch uncle
    2. russian salad
    3. french kissing
    4. russian roulette/
    5. venetian blind
    6. chinese water torture
    7. scot free
    8. byzantine
    9. scotch mist
    10. spanish inquisition
    11. greek to me
    12. go dutch



About Me

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.