Wednesday 27 October 2010

A New Way to Improve your Presentations!!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Culture: international quiz, Idioms

International quiz

French kissing
Spanish inquisition
Dutch uncle
Scot free
Russian salad
Greek to me
Scotch mist
Chinese water torture
Russian roulette
Venetian blind
go Dutch

1. If I may speak like a ________________ you are being an arrogant imbecile.
2. We always eat_________________ at Easter and Christmas.
3. She had always thought______________ was unhygienic until she met Guiseppe.
4. One day they will find out about Fred's affair with the boss' wife. He's playing _____________________ .
5. His privacy was protected by a _______________ on the window.
6. Her constant complaining was like _______________ for poor Fred.
7. He got off_______________ for speeding. The magistrate is his best friend.
8. His ______________ mind helped him to become a master politician.
9. You can't find your glasses. so what's on your nose ________________ ?
10. I came home late last night and got the ________________ from my parents.
11. I can't read my doctor's handwriting. It's just _____________________ .
12. The students decided to__________ because the restaurant was quite expensive.

Anglophone Culture and Thought



1. Earliest Settlements in Britain and Ireland (worked in class)
2. Roman Period and the Great Invasions (worked in class)
3. The Period of Unification = Viviana rueda
4. The Tudor Age = Marigny
5. The war of the Roses = Yaneth
6. Crusades = Wilky
7. Black Plague and Dark age. XIV Century = Ibrahim
8. The Civil War, Republic, Restoration and Union = Diana Baron
9. Politics, Society, Economy and Culture in the XVIII Century= Lina Salas
10. The XIX Century (I): Politics and Society = Liceth Camargo
11. The XIX Century (II): Population, Culture and Economy = Karen Causil
12. The Early XX Century = Marcy Uribe
13. From the Post-War Years to the XXI Century= Marcela Meneces

Segunda parte:


1. Early America = Yajanis Molina
2. Revolution, Independence, Formation and Consolidation of the Federal Republic=
3. The Sectional Conflict, the Civil War and Reconstruction= Mayerly Ariza
4. Industrial America and the Growth of Capitalism = Claudia
5. American Expansionism= Veronica Mayorga
6. Prosperity and Depression = Tatiana Guzman
7. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and World War II = Marco Anton
8. The Cold War= Ronald Palma
9. From John F. Kennedy's Arrival to the XXI Century= Carlos Stivens
10. Other Anglophone Countries (already done)

Monday 11 October 2010

TASK A. New Technologies.

Below you will find several statements referring to the subject and the information given on New Technologies. Say whether you AGREE or DISAGREE. You should justify your answers.

1. The factor that individuals can tailor their learning, as well as the novelty factor, are possible reasons that contribute to students’ motivation
2. A certain amount of CD-ROM training is necessary.
3. Computers may substitute teachers in the future.
4. The quantity of data enables provision of learning opportunities in a variety of ways for a variety of learners.
5. The computer is non-threatening and non-judgmental.
6. CALL is able to provide learning experiences that go beyond just providing a mechanical pattern practice or stimulus for problem solving.
7. The internet, for example, where almost all communication and information is English, seems to be most natural environment for improving learner language.
8. Language id for communication between people and machine-generated task, obviously, are one step removed from authentic communication.
9. Multimedia resources are a tool which facilitates effective self-study.

Thursday 7 October 2010



Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________
School: _________________________
Classroom Teacher: ______________

The purpose of your observation is to give you a better perception of the classroom you may be working in. Be watchful of how the teacher and his/her assistant interacts with the children, and the environment.

Listed below are a few questions to help guide you in what to look for while you are there. Please complete the Observation Sheet and return to me when the observation is completed. Most of all, have fun! I look forward to hearing all about your experiences at the schools.

Number of children in classroom __________
Number of adults in classroom __________

1. Locate the classroom schedule (should be located somewhere in the classroom) and write it down.
2. Describe the classroom. How is it set up? That is, is it set up into centers, is it an open setting, neat or cluttered, use multicultural materials or pictures, etc.?
Is it a safe, warm, loving place to have children?
3. Follow the teacher/teacher assistant for 15 minutes and write down what she/he is doing.
4. Follow the child with special needs for 10 minutes and write down what she/he is doing.
5. Follow the teacher for 15 minutes and write down what she/he is doing. What is his/her role in the classroom?
6. How does the teacher interact with the children?
7. How does the teacher interact with his/her assistant?
8. What techniques does the classroom staff use to motivate children to do things?
9. What is done when the child misbehaves? What is their discipline policy?
10.What is your overall impression of the classroom and the classroom teacher?

Ficha de Observacion


Institución Educativa:
Tiempo Formación:
Fecha: ______ /______ / 2010
Duración de la visita:
Turno: .Mañana ( ) 2. Tarde ( )


1. El docente propicia situaciones para que los alumnos expresen sus opiniones y sentimientos.
2. El docente atiende y responde asertivamente a las objeciones y preguntas de los alumnos.
3. El docente se dirige a los alumnos por sus nombres.
4. El docente promueve en sus alumnos el trabajo colectivo, de ayuda y colaboración permanente.
5. El docente y los alumnos muestran puntualidad, orden y limpieza en el aula.
6. El docente acepta las opiniones y aportes de los alumnos, y de ser el caso, lo incorpora en el desarrollo de las actividades.
6. El docente acepta las opiniones y aportes de los alumnos, y de ser el caso, lo incorpora en el desarrollo de las actividades.
7. El docente alienta el avance de los alumnos.
8. El docente conduce el proceso de aprendizaje-enseñanza de acuerdo al diseño planificado.
9. El docente facilita el desarrollo de capacidades y actitudes en los alumnos.
9. El docente facilita el desarrollo de capacidades y actitudes en los alumnos.
10. El docente aplica estrategias metodológicas orientadas al desarrollo de capacidades y actitudes.
11. El docente emplea estrategias y/o instrumentos para relacionar los saberes previos con el nuevo conocimiento.
12. El docente propicia la aplicación, de parte de los alumnos, de diversas estrategias cognitivas (para aprender a aprender, aprender a pensar).
13. El docente crea un espacio para reflexionar sobre cómo se ha desarrollado las capacidades.
14. El docente usa medios y materiales educativos pertinentes para el desarrollo de las capacidades y actitudes planificadas.
15. El docente promueve la participación de los alumnos en actividades de autoevaluación.
16. El docente utiliza instrumentos de evaluación que permiten recoger y analizar información relacionada con las capacidades de área, considerando las capacidades específicas y actitudes y valores a través de contenidos y métodos


Unidad Didáctica:
Incorpora estrategias pertinentes para el logro de aprendizajes esperados, indicadores, técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación,
Sesión de aprendizaje: Diseño de clase
El docente cuenta con el diseño de la sesión de aprendizaje el mismo que incluye una secuencia lógica
El diseño consigna los indicadores de evaluación en coherencia con el desarrollo de capacidades y actitudes seleccionadas.
El diseño considera contenidos contextualizados.

La escala de valoración es A: completo, B: incompleto y C: no cuenta


Clauses Parts of a Sentence


About Me

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.