Sunday 7 November 2010

For next Wednesday's class I prepared a document about argumentative presentations which I would like the students to have access to and get a copy.

An argumentative presentation – 5-6 minutes

1. Introduction to presentation: BRIEF- What is the topic? What are you going to talk about? Why is it important?
2. Structure: BRIEF- Structure of your argument.
3. Analyse the topic: give statistics, facts and examples – do not argue yet.
4. Argument: Propose an argument related to the topic, use argument-example-explanation structure. Maybe give 2 or 3 arguments.
5. Counter-argument: For a balanced debate you need a counter argument. You can refute the previous arguments and argue why the other point of view may be valid. REMEMBER- you are not yet giving your opinion, a mature argument considers both sides and cleverly refutes the other point of view.
6. Opinion: With the above arguments considered you should have set yourself up to give your point of view. You can build on previous arguments and assert why you have such an opinion. It can be for one side, or balanced.
7. Solution/ Conclusion: Finish the presentation. If possible propose a solution. Try to conclude with a strong, clear statement.


In the following presentation, I will explore/analyse...
It is a topic/problem/phenomenon that has created lots of controversy/debate
Firstly, next, afterwards, following that, finally
I will explain/analyse/focus on/emphasise/centre on/concentrate on
According to, statistics suggest, it is interesting to note that
4 and 5.
It could be argued
Some may assert
On the one hand
In theory/theoretically
For that reason/therefore/consequently
In addition/also/added to that
With reference to
Similarly/in the same way/in the same manner
It is clear that/the reality is that
For example/an example of that is....which demonstrates
If conditional – If there was/were...
However/on the other hand/contrastingly/in contrast/in opposition to
Even though/despite
At the same time
In my opinion
My intuition tells me
To my judgement
According to my own point of view
Finally/in conclusion/To conclude
The above considered
It is necessary to/it makes sense to
In order to combat/eradicate/help
If I were the president...

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.