Thursday 11 April 2013

Classroom management and Curriculum and lesson planning

Dear PBL students,

For this second term we are going to work on these themes:

1. Classroom management:

Student-centered teaching: How to make classes more student-centered
Teaching large, multilevel classes effectively
From Authority to Attraction: Managing discipline in the classroom
Lesson planning from a communicative perspective
Back to the basics: Fundamental principles in Teaching English
Using learning strategies in the classroom
Multiple Intelligences

2. Curriculum and lesson planning

For the fisrt theme, Classroom management, each group will organize a lecture about the topic and a make it and take-it workshop.  Please choose one of the topics and let me know.

For the second theme, a representative of Oxford University Press will give you a lecture about it. The date for this event  will be given to you on time.


1. GARDNER, HOWARD. 1993. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. New York: Basic Books

Read more: Intelligence - Multiple Intelligences - Theory, Gardner, Assessment, and Based -

2. McCombs, B., & Whistler, J. (1997). The learner-centered classroom and school: Strategies for increasing student motivation and achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.