Monday, 11 October 2010

TASK A. New Technologies.

Below you will find several statements referring to the subject and the information given on New Technologies. Say whether you AGREE or DISAGREE. You should justify your answers.

1. The factor that individuals can tailor their learning, as well as the novelty factor, are possible reasons that contribute to students’ motivation
2. A certain amount of CD-ROM training is necessary.
3. Computers may substitute teachers in the future.
4. The quantity of data enables provision of learning opportunities in a variety of ways for a variety of learners.
5. The computer is non-threatening and non-judgmental.
6. CALL is able to provide learning experiences that go beyond just providing a mechanical pattern practice or stimulus for problem solving.
7. The internet, for example, where almost all communication and information is English, seems to be most natural environment for improving learner language.
8. Language id for communication between people and machine-generated task, obviously, are one step removed from authentic communication.
9. Multimedia resources are a tool which facilitates effective self-study.

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.