Tuesday 10 November 2015

Friday 23 October 2015



Monday 19 October 2015

A) Complete the following exercise with a / an or the articles. Leave blank if no article is needed.

According to  National Weather Service,  cyclones are  areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in  Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in  Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by some kind of  precipitation and by stormy weather.  tornadoes and  hurricanes are  types of cyclones, as are typhoons, which are  storms that occur in  western Pacific Ocean.  hurricane is  cyclone that forms over  tropical oceans and seas and has  winds of at least seventy-four miles  hour.  hurricane rotates in  shape of  oval or circle.  hurricanes can cause  great environmental damage.  Hurricane Andrew, which hit  coasts of Louisiana and southern Florida in August 1992, caused  extreme devastation. In terms of  environmental damage,  Hurricane Andrew is one of  most devastating hurricanes ever to hit  United States. Fourteen people died because of Andrew's effects.

B) More examples of a, an or the - Articles Exercises 2 

1. We have  beautiful garden.  garden is full of roses. 

2. Is fencing  popular sport in  world? No, it isn’t. 

3. I'd like  glass of orange juice please. 

4. Can you give me  envelope, please? 

    Certainly. Oh! Where’s  envelope? 

5. Is there  post office near here? 

6. They’re at  cinema. 

7. My brother is in  classroom. 

8. Would you like  hamburger? 

9. Selena has got  cat. 

    What is  cat’s name? 

10.  school is very cold. Hasn’t it got  central heating system? 

    It has, but  central heating is broken down. 



Tuesday 25 August 2015

Tangible Cultural Heritage

©CNRS/ M. Arbach
As-Sawda Site in Yemen
Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.  
Tangible heritage includes buildings and historic places, monuments, artifacts, etc., which are considered worthy of preservation for the future.  These include objects significant to the archaeology, architecture, science or technology of a specific culture.  
Objects are important to the study of human history because they provide a concrete basis for ideas, and can validate them.  Their preservation demonstrates recognition of the necessity of the past and of the things that tell its story.  Preserved objects also validate memories; and the actuality of the object, as opposed to a reproduction or surrogate, draws people in and gives them a literal way of touching the past.  This unfortunately poses a danger as places and things are damaged by the hands of tourists, the light required to display them, and other risks of making an object known and available.  
The reality of this risk reinforces the fact that all artifacts are in a constant state of chemical transformation, so that what is considered to be preserved is actually changing – it is never as it once was. Similarly changing is the value each generation may place on the past and on the artifacts that link it to the past.
Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity)

Thursday 28 May 2015

1. http://www.wikihow.com/Write-Articles.  HOW TO WRITE AN ARTICLE.

2. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/protecting-african-lion-trophy-hunters/ VIDEO

3. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/18/opinion/saving-lions-by-killing-them.html?_r=0. ARTICLE

4. Listening Comprehension. LECTURE


Write a short article     

Step 1.
Identify the Key Story Points for your Work.  
For each question, write a short paragraph — no more than two to three sentences. These identify the essential story elements. 
1.  What is your opening? This should identify the larger problem to which you are contributing, give readers a sense of the direction your paper is going, and make it clear why it is important. It should engage the widest audience practical.  2  What is your specific question or hypothesis?   3.  What are the key results of your work? Identify these in a short list. There should be no more than two to three points.   4. What is your main conclusion? What did you learn about Africa's big cats?

Step 2.
Write the Article. 
Write a short article describing your research. You are trying to tell the story of your work and engage and educate your readers, not write a technical paper. The tone can range between somewhat technical and more casual, but it must be something that technical readers would find interesting. Use your answers from step 1 to frame the story you write in this part of the exercise.

Monday 11 May 2015

Wednesday 11 March 2015



Wednesday 4 March 2015

BBC Future Bengaluru Inside India's Silicon Valley



3 Most Common Types Of Documentaries Today by Kevin Knoblock

Monday 23 February 2015

Dear students: Academic Writing and Discourse in English as a Foreign Language.  This is your syllabus for this course, please read it and keep in mind all the objectives and units.


About Me

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Pamplona, Nsder, Colombia
Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.